Small Class Sizes | Wonderful Teachers | Diversified Instruction
At LCS, we are committed to maintaining small class sizes so that each and every child gets the personalized attention they need order to reach their highest potential.
In first through fourth grades everything we learn centers around Christ. When we learn about math we learn that our God is an orderly god. When we learn about science we learn about the world that God made. In social studies we learn about the world around us and the role God wants us to have in it. We learn to be excellent readers and writers so that we can learn as much as we can about God’s world and communicate it to others. When we study the Bible, we learn God’s story and how we are His people. Whether we’re learning about math, science, social studies, reading, writing, or Bible we’re learning the wonder and order of God’s World and His ways! First through fourth graders also enhance their learning with weekly classes in art, music, physical education, and STEM.
We love to discover God’s world by taking many field trips. Highlights include P.E. outings to GVSU, museum visits, learning how to make maple syrup, outdoor education at Camp Roger, and a day at our Capitol in Lansing. We also love to serve our community. We read to the residents at Green Acres each month and we enjoy visits to local retirement homes where we share songs about our Savior at Christmas time.